Closet 1
Height (m) 2.0/2.0/2.2/2.2/2.4/2.4
Length (m) 1.8/2.0/1.8/2.0/1.8/2.0
Width (m) 0.6/0.6/0.6/0.6/0.6/0.6
Меблі необхідно збирати
We provide you with a series of ready wardrobes, in which they are polished all their best qualities: affordable prices, quality materials, thoughtful internal content, a fairly wide selection of CHIPBOARD colors, artistic matting and photo printing, ease of assembly and transportation and Much more. Serial models, at your request, are complemented by various internal elements, as well as elements of the external design, what you can read in the description of each closet.
Оплата. Оплата при отриманні товару, Безготівково для юридичних осіб
Доставка. Самовивіз, Нова Пошта
Гарантія. 24 місяці офіційної гарантії від виробника