
Меблі необхідно збирати

Modern kitchen collection Siena is created for connoisseurs of combination of style and comfort. After selecting this series, you can select the ready-made set, as well as expand its additional modules. A wide range of standing and suspended cabinets allow you to customize elements according to your own needs and kitchen sizes. Select additional accessories and appliances individually to the kit. Remember that the shape and colors of the furniture determine the character and style of your kitchen, and the functionality will depend on the sectional modules and configuration that you choose for your home.

Оплата. Оплата при отриманні товару, Безготівково для юридичних осіб

Доставка. Самовивіз, Нова Пошта

Гарантія. 24 місяці офіційної гарантії від виробника